Enric Petrus Pérez

Welcome to my personal web page. My name is Enric Petrus Pérez and I am currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Federal Institute of Aquatic Science, Eawag, in Dübendorf (Switzerland). My research focuses on the construction of chemical reaction networks to predict chemical speciation and kinetics in aqueous systems.

My doctoral thesis at ICIQ focused on developing POMSimulator, a method that allows the prediction of speciation diagrams and self-assembly mechanisms of polyoxometalates in water. We have recently released the first open-source version in Github - for more details see the documentation.

I am also involved in outreach scientific activities. I performed a four minute monologue about my thesis, I talked about computational chemistry and artificial intelligence in two local programs Ones de Ciència, and Blau de Prússia, and I gave a talk in a European outreach activity Nit de la Recerca.